Honeysuckle NIB selling Australia US Style Managed Care under the façade of “Network Care”

Not happening by chance – NIB has always expressed a long-term view on managed care in this country, which they call ‘network care’, and by bringing a colossal company Cigna across, they are indeed formidable – importing the know-how and the methods to introduce managed care to completely change the management and delivery of healthcare in Australia. This is a defining moment in Australian healthcare because where a major American health insurer with a market cap of US$90 billion dollars (AU$116 b) and 70,000 employees is coming to Australia to partner with NIB.

“Network Care” is US Style Managed Care in sheep’s clothing.

Write to your Local Federal MP and Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation

#sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #supportantimanagedcarelegislation #regulate #legislate #mitigate