The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has authorised health insurer NIB and Honeysuckle Health to establish a health services buying group and operate for five years.

The buying group allowed to collectively negotiate contracts on behalf of a group of health insurers. Such models must be stopped from gaining traction within the Australian healthcare system, as it gives overarching control to funds over how patients receive care and directs how clinicians deliver treatment and care.

There is no room in the Australian system for US-style approaches that reduce flexibility for patients – reducing choice and limiting clinical autonomy.

A recipe for cost cutting and reduced choice, US-Style Managed care is Fundamentally incompatible with the “Health” & “Care” with significant risk of unintended consequences

  • Reduced Privacy
  • No Control over your healthcare
  • Less Transparency
  • Limited Choice
  • Loss of Clinical Autonomy
  • Low Value Care

Write to your Local Federal MP here and Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation #sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #supportantimanagedcarelegislation #regulate #legislate #mitigate